Home / Masinagudi Resorts, Cottages and Hotels / The Nest Inn - Masinagudi

The Nest Inn - Masinagudi

Singara Road, Masinagudi - 643 223, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu- India.
For reservations call : 0423-2526786

The Nest Inn - Photos

Tariff & Facilities


* 24 hrs of internet surfing
* 24 hrs of uninterrupted STD, ISD calls from individual rooms
* Separate car parking
* Separate accommodation for your driver
* On line reservation of rooms
* Water falls
* River side swimming and fishing
* Rock climbing on prior appeals only
* Itinerary for your day out shall also be provided on request


* Trekking
* Mountain hiking
* Jeep safaris
* Camp fire
* Jungle trek
* Water falls
* River side swimming and fishing

Send Your Enquiry

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*For Booking Purpose
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Please Mention the dates and How many of you coming......thanks